Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank you lists

Whenever I get sick of hearing myself complain (inwardly or outwardly) I try to sit down and come up with a reason why every single thing I'm griping about is actually something to be thankful for. It's not really all that hard, because most of what I find myself whining about is honestly, not that big of a deal. You could say it's my own way of giving myself a slap upside the head. Because I need those more than once, you might see me post "thank you" lists more than once. And some items on the list might appear more than once because I seem to need frequent reminders. So, here's today's list, petty as some of my worries may seem. And you'll be glad to know that always, always, after I sit down with God and write him a thank you note, my soul is replenished and  I am a walking bucket of gratitude once again. Try it the next time you're having "one of those days."

Thank you for the mountains of laundry that never seem to end. We have lots and lots of clothes, and I can get all of them clean without much work at all on my part. Many have only the clothes on their backs and a washing machine is something to only dream about.

Thank you for the rain that causes everyone (and the dogs) to track in muddy footprints on my clean floors. Our yard is lush and green and I’m growing a garden that my child will love to help me harvest. Many farmers are praying for rain.

Thank you for my anal retentiveness when it comes to a clean house. I worry sometimes it is too much, and I know that I must balance it. But that impulse also helps me provide a clean and organized home for my family to grow in. I’ve always liked to think there was a reason Jesus stayed with Martha – she kept a comfortable home. I’ve always had a soft spot for Martha. There is a place for both the Mary’s and the Martha’s in this world – we balance each other.

Thank you for just enough money to never have enough. You are teaching me to be a good steward and to prioritize where our money goes. Most in the world would consider our version of “not enough” as untold riches.

Thank you for the thousands of dollars we spend at the allergist. My child suffers from allergies, I am happy to pay to ease his suffering. Millions of mothers would love to have the money for a specialist.

Thank you for the terrible two phase that Sammy is in right now. He challenges me, does not like the word “no”, and is always into everything. He is smart, headstrong, and unafraid of almost any obstacle. Someday these traits will take him far in life.

Thank you for the ten pounds that I can’t seem to lose. I live in a land of plenty and can’t remember ever going to bed hungry. There are millions who don’t have the excess that we do. Help me to balance it and be thankful for it as well.

Thank you God for my animals so that I can complain about ridiculous vet bills and cat throw up on my bedspread. They show me every day what unconditional love is, while keeping me humble. I am never too good to clean up pee in the dog bed.

Thank you for the boot tracks that my husband tracks in every day, usually about 10 minutes after I get the floors clean. He comes home every night to his family and works hard for what we have.

Thank you for my gas guzzling car that drives me wherever I need to go every day, even if right now we can’t afford to fix the giant dent in the back. I have a good car, with plenty of room for our family and then some. Many would give anything for any kind of transportation other than their own two feet.

Thank you that never once in my life have I or my family had to wake up hungry, or know real fear, have serious medical problems, or ever question if we were loved, or go through a war, or poverty, or even go more than 24 hours without talking to my family and knowing that we are all safe, healthy, and prosperous. 

We are blessed beyond measure, and I have no more complaints. I have only things to praise God for.